by Janne Torkkola | Aug 18, 2016 | Brisbane Snake, News, Snakes
Brown Snake Blues Despite their fearsome reputation, there are a lot of us folk in the reptile and wildlife fields who find the group of animals known as Brown Snakes (Genus Pseudonaja) to be an enigmatic, fascinating and, dare I say, beautiful bunch of animals....
by Janne Torkkola | Aug 18, 2016 | News, Snakes
Snakes on the Brain: Essays on Snakes, Science, and Society. Essay 2. Hide and Sea Snakes: The Rediscovery of Two Potentially Extinct Species in WA Snakes on the Brain: Essays on Snakes, Science and Society #2 I often wonder what exactly about snakes makes them such...
by Janne Torkkola | Aug 18, 2016 | Fauna Spotting, News, Snakes
Snake beats toad! Keelback feeding on cane toad in Brisbane We had some great photos sent in the other day from Michelle here in Brisbane to help identify a snake in her yard. After speaking with her I was fairly sure it was a Keelback or Freshwater snake...
by Janne Torkkola | Aug 18, 2016 | News
Road strike and snakes, be snake aware! One of the biggest threats to our snakes, aside from the ever present shovel wielding moron, is the road. Like most native wildlife, our roads are a huge cause of mortality in snakes, who love to bask on the open, hot bitumen,...
by Janne Torkkola | Aug 18, 2016 | News, Snakes
Snakes on the Brain: Essays on Snakes, Science, and Society. Essay 5. Reptiles In The Face Of A Changing Global Climate Now free to read online at our blog, Snakes on the Brain, or click the link below. Enjoy! 🙂 Snakes on the Brain Essay 5. Reptiles In The Face Of A...
by Janne Torkkola | Aug 18, 2016 | Brisbane Snake, News, Snakes
Snakes on the Brain: Essays on Snakes, Science, and Society. Essay 1. The Brown Snake, The Taipan, and The Paradox. Snakes on the Brain: Essays on Snakes, Science, and Society # 1 I often wonder what exactly about snakes makes them such polarizing figures throughout...
by Janne Torkkola | Aug 18, 2016 | Brisbane Snake, News, Snakes
Baby brown in the coal testing lab! An interesting call out last week! A coal quality testing facility in south Brisbane has had several close encounters with often large brown snakes, possibly to do with the poultry production yards nearby leading to high rat...
by Janne Torkkola | Aug 18, 2016 | News
Snake Out Brisbane on We’ve been making some waves in the media lately! Thankfully we’ve had some great journalists help us convey our message that snakes are not evil, malicious beasts, but a spectacular part of our unique Australian...
by Janne Torkkola | Aug 18, 2016 | Brisbane Snake, News
The awesome story of Anna the Python As snake catchers, we are often blown away at peoples blatant disregard for wildlife, the environment and the rights of species other than ourselves. This is not a story about those people. This is about the right kind of people,...
by Janne Torkkola | Aug 18, 2016 | Brisbane Snake, News, Snakes
Unleash the Sass! Releasing Sassy, the White Crowned Snake With warmer nights comes more nocturnal snakes! Luckily for us Brisbanites, most of these encounters are either with big but essentially harmless pythons, or with small, shy, and usually only mildly venomous...