by Janne Torkkola | Aug 10, 2018 | News, Snakes
With over a thousand species of reptile in Australia described since the arrival of British colonialists in 1788 one might suspect the task of collating an inventory of the country’s snakes, lizards, turtles, and crocodiles would already be complete (1,2). Not... by Janne Torkkola | May 30, 2018 | News, Snake Catcher, Snakes
“I hate and fear snakes, because if you look into the eyes of any snake you will see that it knows all and more of the mystery of man’s fall, and that it feels all the contempt that the Devil felt when Adam was evicted from Eden.” – Rudyard Kipling, The Return Of...
by Janne Torkkola | Aug 18, 2016 | Brisbane Snake, News, Snakes
Brown Snake Blues Despite their fearsome reputation, there are a lot of us folk in the reptile and wildlife fields who find the group of animals known as Brown Snakes (Genus Pseudonaja) to be an enigmatic, fascinating and, dare I say, beautiful bunch of animals....
by Janne Torkkola | Aug 18, 2016 | News, Snakes
Snakes on the Brain: Essays on Snakes, Science, and Society. Essay 2. Hide and Sea Snakes: The Rediscovery of Two Potentially Extinct Species in WA Snakes on the Brain: Essays on Snakes, Science and Society #2 I often wonder what exactly about snakes makes them such...
by Janne Torkkola | Aug 18, 2016 | Fauna Spotting, News, Snakes
Snake beats toad! Keelback feeding on cane toad in Brisbane We had some great photos sent in the other day from Michelle here in Brisbane to help identify a snake in her yard. After speaking with her I was fairly sure it was a Keelback or Freshwater snake...
by Janne Torkkola | Aug 18, 2016 | News, Snakes
Snakes on the Brain: Essays on Snakes, Science, and Society. Essay 5. Reptiles In The Face Of A Changing Global Climate Now free to read online at our blog, Snakes on the Brain, or click the link below. Enjoy! 🙂 Snakes on the Brain Essay 5. Reptiles In The Face Of A...