DESCRIPTION – Variable, pale bluish grey to olive green with a copper tinge on the first third of the dorsal surface and nape, lighter head colour. Distinct cream or yellow ring around the eye, a comma-shaped black dash above and below eye, dark line across the snout. Average length 80 cm, max 1 meter. 15 mid-body scales, 156-230 ventral, 60-105 sub ventral, anal divided. Family: Elapidae.
DISTRIBUTION – Lives in open woodland, sclerophyll forest, arid scrub and grassland. Found along the east coast (excluding the cape, southern Victoria and Tasmania), from NSW ranging across to SA and southern NT, into WA.
ECOLOGY – Diurnal. Terrestrial, fast moving, active hunter. Feeds largely on lizards. Oviparous, 2-17 eggs, often in communal nesting sites of hundreds of eggs.
VENOM – MILDLY VENOMOUS – Though less venomous than many species, bites may be a potential health risk, causing local pain, swelling, and systematic symptoms.
Updated November 2019 from Eipper, S. & Eipper, T. (2019) A Naturalists Guide To The Snakes Of Australia. John Beaufoy Publishing.